Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pay It Forward

Last week, I was sitting in class just dying of thirst. I wanted needed something to drink...and badly. I felt like I was in a desert. Actually, this is a pretty good depiction of what I looked and felt like...

...except I'm a female, have longer hair (but not by much) and I shaved my face this morning. ;)

Okay, I'm embellishing it a little bit, much like I do my scrapbooks.

So I reached in my purse and found a $10 bill. I turned to the man sitting beside me and asked if he could break a 10 for the vending machine. Without thinking, he dug through his pocket, pulled out a $1 bill, and handed it to me. He smiled and said "Here you go." Throughout the entire semester, I've only said a hand full of words to this guy and was pleasantly surprised at his willingness loan me money, even if it was only a buck.

The following week, I walked in class and sat a dollar on the guy's desk. Confused, he was what it was for. I reminded him about loaning me money the week prior for a water. "I don't want your money!" he joked. "So you're just going to give me a dollar?!" I shrieked. "Yep," he responded, and turned around to continue to paint.

Two opposite extremes struck me at that moment:
  1. Isn't that how society should be? Giving? Sharing? However, when I thought about it, it seemed very out of the ordinary that a near-stranger would be so quick to offer me something without wanting anything in return. I know it was only a dollar, but its the principle behind it. Too many people have become so selfish that they are shocked when someone does a nice gesture for them. And that pains me! I think these jerks need a slap in the face (and I won't complain if they don't return the favor and slap you back)!
  2. I actually felt guilty for him doing something for me and me not doing anything in return. I've always been a selfless person and make sure I give back when someone does something for me. It is very difficult for me to just accept a gift or gesture "just because". I guess I'll just pay it forward. Has anyone ever seen that movie with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, and Haley Joel Osmont? It's one of my favorites! It has such a good message.
Happiness is contagious. Smile at someone who needs it. And gestures go a long way. Do something nice for someone when they least expect it.

Here are a few pictures that will hopefully make you laugh:

When you smile, the world smiles back.

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