Thursday, March 31, 2011

Get A Life

During lunch with my colleagues the other day, we were updating each other on what is going on in the world of sitcoms and reality shows, which begun a conversation about how much TV we watch on a weekly basis and then that kind of mutated into us comparing cable and satellite TV packages. When they discovered I have the most basic cable package (and its even only that "advanced" because that was the minimum I could have for it to be bundled with wireless internet) and watch a maximum of 3 hours of TV each week, they were baffled. And 2 of those hours were dedicated to The Bachelor and the other hour is for Grey's Anatomy. Other than that, the TV is off unless my roomie, Erin, is watching something.

When I'm bored, want to do something "mindless", or need a stress reliever, I don't get the urge to channel surf. Instead, I find something that is much better for the mind, body, and soul. I take Johnny Cash for a walk. I pick up a book. I simply lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling, allowing my thoughts and imagination to encompass me. I get up and do housework - the repetitive motion of cleaning is surprisingly calming, and it provides a sense of accomplishment.  All of those things are so much more therapeutic to me than the boob tube.

Every wonder where the phrase "boob tube" came from? A television set used to consist of tubes, and was used as entertainment for idiots...or "boobs". Now there ya have it! You learned something new today. You're welcome.

I changed the way I relaxed when I met Chris Johnson. He was the keynote speaker at a conference I attended titled On Target Living and his motivation to change one's lifestyle was incredibly inspiring! He emphasized the importance of healthy living, improved health and quality of life, which made me excited to reevaluate my life. So here I am; trying to encourage you to make the same positive changes in your life. Do some yoga (if you're a manly man and too proud, just call it stretching). Go for a walk. Take a hike. And get a life!